
Feeling Great is Not a True Measure of Health

The title of this blog post really says it all: using how we feel to determine our health is not an accurate measurement! If somebody has a “sudden” heart attack and dies, do you think that person was truly healthy the day before, or even in the months leading up to the event? Of course not! You can feel perfectly healthy while things you’re not even aware of are at work inside your body, and it’s important to be aware of that fact.

That being said, your body is extremely intelligent and will try to warn you about health problems before they get out of hand. For example, the next time you have a fever, think about the fact that your body is safely killing viruses or bacteria that have attacked you. If you take an Aspirin, you’re lowering your own body’s function of fighting that infection and allowing it a better chance to attack you further.

How about a runny nose? A runny nose is a sign of a properly functioning body, as annoying as it might be. When your nose runs, it’s defending you from allergens, bacteria, and viruses all around you. Mucus catches these harmful things before they can get into your lungs.

In a similar way, vomiting is a common effect of ingesting something harmful. It certainly isn’t fun, but your body is doing its job of expelling these dangerous substances before they can continue to be digested.

If you have a hangover or a headache, think about the root cause of the problem, not just the symptom. (Obviously, we all know the cause of a hangover, and I believe alcohol should be consumed sparingly, if at all.) For instance, your headache may be because you are dehydrated and all you need is to drink a few glasses of water. Certainly, popping a pill in this instance only mutes the symptom in the short-term and doesn’t actually deal with the problem your body is trying to communicate to you. 

The key point here is simple: listen to your body. Trust your body when it tells you something is wrong, and don’t assume that just because you’re feeling great in the moment that you’re healthy. On the flipside, try not to think of being sick temporarily as a nuisance; instead, appreciate your body’s incredible ability to heal itself. And give it the chance to do so! Rather than take a drug to dull the brief discomfort of a cold or a headache, try to fix the problem naturally and let your body do the work.

Working to restore GOD's perfect design in you!

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