
Act As If

Would it surprise you to hear that one in every four deaths in the U.S. each year is from cancer? [1] And one in every three deaths is a result of heart disease?[2] These numbers are frighteningly high, much higher than the rest of the world or even America a few decades ago. While some diseases can attack even the healthiest of us, there are also some obvious lifestyle choices to be avoided if you want to do your best to stay free of life-threatening disease. These include, but are not limited to, high cholesterol, lack of exercise/physical activity, high stress levels, and eating a diet high in saturated fats.
There are also risk factors for cancer to look out for: hormone replacement therapy (cervical cancer), eating a lot of smoked meats and nitrates (stomach cancer), smoking (lung and mouth cancer), high fat diets (colon cancer), aspartame (brain tumors), saccharine (bladder cancer), and more! It’s staggering, isn’t it?

But it doesn’t have to be. It is our responsibility as intelligent human beings with access to health information to no longer choose these harmful paths. I call you to act as if you could get cancer or heart disease at any time. If you knew you were going to contract one of these life-threatening illnesses, would you still go on consuming unhealthy products, living a stressful life without dealing with the causes of your stress, and neglecting physical activity? I doubt it.

Here are a few suggestions that shouldn’t be too difficult to implement. First, eat organically whenever possible. Second, exercise at least three times per week (preferably more), stop smoking if you’re a smoker, cut back on fat in your diet, do not use artificial sweeteners of any kind or in any capacity, and use natural cleaning products around the house. I believe that God gave us perfect, smart bodies that will do whatever they can to keep us going strong. But you have to take steps to help your body, too. If you wait too long, it won’t be possible to get that health back, so do yourself a huge favor and make smart choices now!

Working to restore GOD's perfect design in you!

[1] Thomara Latimer Cancer Foundation. “Cancer Facts (reproduced from American Cancer
[2] Million Hearts. “About Heart Disease & Stroke.”

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