
Types of Chiropractors

The leading causes of death today are heart disease, cancer, and medical doctor error. Each can cause significant irrevocable damage before discovered or felt. Because of this, it is important to inform yourself about your ailments and learn how chiropractic care can benefit you in a more natural way than traditional medicine. But it is also important to know how chiropractors differ before choosing the right one for you.

Symptom Relief Chiropractors

First, there are symptom relief chiropractors. They focus more on symptom relief than long-term skeletal correction and wellness. If you visit a symptom relief chiropractor, you will likely feel better temporarily, but these effects will ultimately wear off and result in damage and dysfunction. Though no one would argue that feeling an improvement in your condition is a bad thing, many medical experts agree that aiming only to treat symptoms once they occur is not nearly as valuable as treating the underlying causes of these symptoms. In fact, they even go so far as to say that this approach can harm patients in the long-run.

In his book, Health Revolution, Robert C. Atkins, M.D. states, “Orthodox medicine tends to treat the symptom, and once it has made the symptom go away, it tells the patient that his or her condition is cured or at least controlled. Actually, in most cases, the disease hasn’t been treated at all. Its symptoms have been masked or obliterated, but in due time the disease may well assert itself in another direction.”[1]

Traditional Chiropractors

Traditional chiropractors, on the other hand, are those who follow the traditional chiropractic philosophy of spinal subluxation and structural correction. As you read earlier, subluxations interfere with the nerve impulses that send signals from the brain to the rest of the body—so making sure that subluxations are corrected is understandably very important! But the potential problem with this form of correction is that it is often concentrated on individual segments of the spine, rather than the spine as a whole.

Living Well Family Chiropractors

The chiropractors at Living Well Family Chiropractic are different. We are what might be called spinal restoration chiropractors. We focus on improving our patients’ daily lives by helping with symptom and pain relief, but ultimately our goal is to remove subluxations and restructure the spine to create the most stable position for your body. We take the approach of traditional chiropractors and carry it a step further by focusing on global subluxations—deviations from the ideal structure of the spine. Any variation from this ideal position leads to premature spinal decay and dysfunction, so we do what we can to prevent these harmful effects before they begin.  This means that, if a patient comes in with a sore lower back, we explore the spine’s entire structure to determine how a subluxation in the neck might be affecting and even causing this pain.

We use Chiropractic BioPhysics (CBP), the technique that has been named in the most peer-reviewed journals and is one of the most scientifically validated techniques in our field.[2] The methods of CBP, including Mirror Image Adjustments, Mirror Image Exercises, and traction will significantly improve your overall wellness.

With a spinal restoration program, your symptoms may lessen or disappear completely long before your treatment comes to an end (and who doesn’t want that?). But at Living Well Family Chiropractic, even once your symptoms are gone, we will continue to rigorously correct and adjust your spine until it reaches its maximum corrected position in the shortest amount of time.

Working to Restore God’s Perfect Design in You!

[1] Atkins, R.C. (1990) Health Revolution.
[2] http://www.idealspine.com/cbp-research/

Reasons Your Spine Might Deviate from the Norm

There are a variety of reasons why your spine might deviate from the Harrison Spinal Model. First is leg length. If you have one leg shorter than the other (and this length difference is often so small you might have never noticed it!), your body becomes somewhat lopsided and certain areas of your spine must over-compensate. As we discussed before, over-compensation may allow you to function “normally,” but your structure is still compromised. Once we discover a shorter leg, we can measure and fit you for a foot lift, a small shoe insert that easily and painlessly evens out your leg length.

Next is genetics. Unfortunately, through no fault of your own, your spine may be predisposed to deviations from the norm based on hereditary factors. If your parents, grandparents, etc. had spinal issues, you are more likely to experience the same issues. The good news is that you can work to repair these deviations and share your success with other family members!

Traumas, both macro and micro, can also hugely impact spinal health and cause deviations. Macro traumas include injuries sustained from car accidents (e.g. whiplash), falls, sports injuries, and others. Macro traumas are bigger and more intense than micro traumas and are usually caused by one specific injurious event. Micro traumas, on the other hand, include everything from poor posture, sitting for very long periods of time, improper lifting, and even certain sleeping positions (e.g. sleeping on your stomach or on your side with your body twisted). Though you may not think of these micro examples as “traumas,” it’s important to realize how your daily activities truly do impact your spinal health.

Stress also causes differences between your spine and the ideal spine. Living with constant stress, which causes muscle tension and heightened levels of adrenaline (triggering your “fight or flight” instincts) is extremely unhealthy and affects many areas of your body, including the spine.

Last but not least is life in today’s world. The human body had not evolved very much in 10,000 years, while our modern world is constantly changing all around us. We are subjected to unnatural forces every day, as well as living conditions and habits that we were not made for. Is it any wonder that our bodies struggle to keep up with what we ask them to do?

Working to Restore God’s Perfect Design in You!

#1 Universal Truth: Structure Dictates Function

Structure dictates function not just in the human body, but also in everything in life, from engineering, physics, chemistry, anatomy, and physiology.[1] Think about how structure
determines function in the area of engineering, for example. A hammer has two functions: hammering nails in and pulling them out. The way a hammer is structured, with a long handle and a head of hard metal, allows it to function properly. The handle allows the user to easily grasp the tool and its length allows for a faster swing with more strength behind it. Its metal head “transmits the force of the swinging hammer into the nail, driving it into the wood.”[2] The claw on the other side of the hammer’s head creates a grasping mechanism to grab a nail, while the handle gives the user leverage to pull it out of the wood. This is only one of many, many examples of how structure determines function in everyday life.

Structure, of course, determines biological function as well. Just as heart valves must be shaped just right for your heart to work efficiently, so does the shape of your spine. The joints of the spine are so close together that if there is a fixation or subluxation in one of them, the surrounding joints can compensate for the damaged joint and take over the workload. Unfortunately, over-compensation is actually dysfunction and ultimately leads to early breakdown or decay of the joints.  Just because you might be moving or functioning better, it doesn’t mean your structure has improved at all.

Research has found that chiropractic adjustments affect the chemistry of biological processes on a cellular level. Chiropractic care can address not only the immediate spinal misalignments that might be causing pain, but can also address deeper dysfunction in your body. According to R. Pero, Ph.D., from New York University, “People with five years of Chiropractic care had immune systems that were 400% stronger than cancer patients and 200% stronger than those without cancer.” In the case of the human body, structure dictates biological and even chemical functioning.

Beware of medical doctors that might take a “Band-Aid approach” to treatment and focus on your symptoms rather than on issues of structure, which is the root cause of symptoms. In fact, medical errors are the third leading cause of death in the United States.[3] One thing that chiropractors and medical doctors do agree upon, however, is the use of established norms to judge a patient’s health. Your values are compared against “normal” values to evaluate everything from blood pressure to, in our case, spinal alignment. And that is where the Ideal Spinal Model comes into play. Be sure to check out my next blog post on the Ideal Spinal Model for more information.

Working to Restore God’s Perfect Design in You!

[1] Harrison DE, Harrison DD, and Haas JW. CBP Structural Rehabilitation of the Cervical Spine. Harrison Chiropractic Biophysics Seminars, Inc. 2002, Page 5-6.
[2] Structure Determines Function, interactive tutorial. Last updated September 27, 2014. http://www.sciencemusicvideos.com/structure-determines-function/
[3] Starfield B. “Is US health really the best in the world?” JAMA. 2000 Jul 26;284(4):483-5. The Leapfrog Group. “Hospital errors are the third leading cause of death in U.S., and new hospital safety scores show improvements are too slow.” Hospital Safety Score. October 23, 2013. <http://www.hospitalsafetyscore.org/newsroom/display/hospitalerrors-thirdleading-causeofdeathinus-improvementstooslow>. Frances A. “Why are medical mistakes our third leading cause of death?” Huffington Post. November 20, 2014. <http://www.huffingtonpost.com/allen-frances/why-are-medical-mistakes-_b_5888408.html>. McCann E. “Deaths by medical mistakes hit records.” Healthcare IT News. July 18, 2014. <http://www.healthcareitnews.com/news/deaths-by-medical-mistakes-hit-records>

Introduction to the Central Nervous System

“Get knowledge of the spine, for this is the requisite for many diseases.” – Hippocrates, 469-377 BC

The Central Nervous System (CNS) consists of your brain and spinal cord. According to Gray’s Anatomy, “The purpose of the nervous system is to control and coordinate the function of all tissues, organs, and systems in the body.” When you have a disorder of the CNS, you can face devastating side effects, from pain and illness to organ malfunction.

Nerve interference can be caused by decreased disc height (disc damage), loss of normal spinal curves (global subluxations), and rotation of the spine (intra-segmental subluxations). Spinal subluxation occurs when the spine moves out of its normal position and becomes misaligned, which can result from bones pinching your nerves, as well as a variety of physical, emotional, mental, and chemical stressors. Our bodies can all handle a certain amount of stress, but any of these physical, emotional, mental, and chemical factors can overload our stress levels and cause greater health issues.

Once the spine is misaligned, it can then compress, rotate, and stretch the CNS, and if left unattended for too long, your organs can become damaged and even die. Even the small weight of a dime can alter nerve impulses. The most unfortunate fact is that symptoms of misalignment often do not appear until many years after damage to the spine or organ malfunction have occurred, largely due to the fact that less than 10% of our nerves perceive pain.

The Cervical Spine, the neck, is the primary area of your CNS. The top vertebrae in the neck protect your brain stem, so misalignment of these vertebrae naturally affects the rest of your body. When looking at a side x-ray of your neck, you can see what scientists call “The Arc of Life.” The Arc of Life is the natural forward curve in your cervical spine, through which mental life impulses are sent from your brain—and through which all your nerves pass through. If you lose your normal Arc, it will pull on the brain stem, stretch your spinal cord, and tether your nerves. Other spinal subluxations are obviously harmful to your health, but subluxation in the Cervical Spine is the most severe.

The spinal column is the switchboard to the entire nervous system, balancing the sympathetic (which triggers our “fight or flight” instincts) and the parasympathetic (which controls the rest, digest, and heal functions of your body) nervous systems. The immune system is controlled by the sympathetic nervous system, which is controlled by the autonomic nervous system, which is controlled by the mechanical nervous system, which is controlled by the way your joints move in a gravity environment. These connections are why it’s good to get a chiropractic adjustment even when you’re sick; improving your spinal alignment boosts your immune system, too!

Tune in for my next blog post to learn what the #1 universal truth—for chiropractic, overall wellness, and everything in life—is and why!

Working to Restore God’s Perfect Design in You!

Walking Your Way to Better Health

Dr. Vivek Murthy, the United States’ surgeon general since 2014, recently released a “Step It Up” call to action that highlights the health benefits of walking and will attempt to tackle “lack of access to sidewalks and safe spaces for physical activity.”[1]

Rather than focusing on gym classes or memberships for U.S. citizens, Murthy’s program is actually realistic for almost everybody, as it doesn’t cost a thing to go for a walk! And since 22 minutes of physical activity per day (including walking) can reduce your risk of heart disease and diabetes, why not try to incorporate more walking into your daily life?[2]

It is quite sad that “Three in 10 Americans don’t have access to sidewalks in their neighborhoods and too many of our neighbors have to deal with safety issues related to crime or pedestrian accidents. We know that almost 5,000 people die in pedestrian accidents each year and another 66,000 pedestrians are injured. That’s why this call to action is both about walking but also about walkable communities.”[3]

These “walkable communities” are meant to be inclusive of people with disabilities as well. For instance, even in neighborhoods with sidewalks, many don’t have a cut so that people in wheelchairs can get on and off sidewalks easily. Another example is walk signals that don’t have an audible element for people with visual impairments to cross intersections safely. Everyone should be able to be active in his or her community without safety concerns.

You may be wondering how to walk more in your neighborhood in rainy, cold weather or in the later months of the year when temperatures reach their highest. This is why Dr. Murthy believes that all sectors of a community need to participate in making our culture more walk-friendly. Local organizations like the YMCA or local schools can make their indoor facilities available for community members to exercise in a comfortable environment. Malls, as well, “can be great places for people to walk, especially the elderly and people with disabilities who may need to be in a climate-controlled setting.”[4]

Walking—especially in addition to proper diet and emotional wellbeing—is a simple, cost-effective way to become more active on a daily basis. The health benefits are many, and it is important to remember that every step you take during the day adds up! 

Working to restore GOD’s perfect design in you!

[1] Leonard K. “Walking the Walk.” U.S. News and World Report, November 5, 2015. <http://www.usnews.com/news/the-report/articles/2015/11/05/surgeon-general-murthy-more-walking-is-a-key-to-good-health>
[2] Id.
[3] Id.
[4] Id. 

How Important is a Child’s Bedtime?

Most of us with young children know how difficult bedtime can be. Though we know it’s best for them to get a long, good night’s sleep, did you know that it’s also been proven to be good for parents?

A recent study by the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute in Melbourne, Australia has found that when children are in bed “early” (asleep by 8:30 p.m.), it gives parents more time to “wind down, get things done and feel like things are under control,” which in turn positively impacts their mental health.[1] Researchers collected information from parents when their children were 4-5 years old, again when they were 6-7, and lastly when they were 8-9.[2]

After analyzing sleep and lifestyle data from these various times, they found that the children had better health-related quality of life and their mothers had improved mental health. Interestingly, it was more important that the children went to bed early than that they got a certain number of hours of sleep.

One thing to be aware of is whether you allow your child(ren) to use gadgets in their bedtime routine. Dr. Wendy Sue Swanson, a Seattle pediatrician, mother, and blogger notes, “The blue light that comes from these gadgets affects the ability of a child to wind down.”[3] (That’s something to keep in mind for your own bedtime routine, too!)

To get your kids to sleep on time and to sleep more soundly, Swanson recommends the following:
  • Make sure they get exercise during the day 
  • Have screens out of their hands by 7 p.m.
  • Give them time to wind down after dinner
  • Give them a chance to spend family time with you before you tuck them into bed.
Try these simple tips and see how much happier and healthier you and your whole family become!

Working to restore GOD’s perfect design in you!

[1] Pawlowski A. “Study: Putting kids to bed early means better health…for mom.” Today Parents, November 5, 2015. <http://www.today.com/parents/study-putting-kids-bed-early-means-better-mental-health-mom-t53981>
[2] Id.
[3] Id.