
We at Living Well Family Chiropractic are excited to announce a new addition to our team: Dr. Jenna Ko. Dr. Ko, DC has been working in the natural health care field for twenty years. She began her journey into holistic health in 1994 while working as a chiropractic assistant in a chiropractic wellness office specializing in nutritional based healing. As her knowledge grew, she saw firsthand the healing of the body through natural methods. Utilizing a solid foundation of good food, the most effective nutritional supplement protocols and the power of positive thinking, Dr. Ko witnessed the body's incredible ability to heal itself. Without the use of medical drugs and surgery, Dr. Ko came to realize that God's miracle creation, the human body, will facilitate its own healing. It was then that she decided to follow her passion to achieve optimal health naturally by becoming a chiropractor and clinical nutrition specialist. Dr. Ko has been in chiropractic practice since 2003, helping others to achieve optimal health naturally as God had intended.

Dr. Ko possesses a unique approach to health. Different from other doctors, she assesses the entire person, “the structural, the chemical, and the emotional” components of health. The structural component is the physical body. The chemical component is everything that we ingest, inhale, or absorb into our bodies. And the emotional component is made up of our thoughts, both past and present and any events that have made a positive or negative impact on our lives. True health involves finding a balance between these three components, and in doing so one's body can obtain optimal health and well-being.

Dr. Ko is a board-certified applied kinesiologist, who specializes in balances the body through analysis and treatment of the structural, chemical and emotional components of the body. She utilizes applied kinesiology techniques, allergy elimination protocols, neuroemotional techniques, as well as hair analysis and comprehensive blood work analysis to formulate a personalized health improvement protocol to meet an individual's goals. She has been successful in assisting patients in healthy weight loss, detoxification, balancing blood sugar and preventing diabetes, thyroid disorders, hormone imbalances, cholesterol problems and various other unhealthy conditions. In her 20 years of experience in natural health care, Dr. Ko has been the patient, the student, and, with God's help, the facilitator of better health for all of those around her!

“Working to restore GOD’s perfect design in you!”

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