
A Little-Known Danger of the Seasonal Flu Vaccine

As the flu season arrives and we’re encouraged to get a shot that—hopefully—will keep us healthy, it’s important to know exactly what risks may accompany this vaccine. The threat I’ll focus on in this blog post is a particularly serious one, and it’s one you probably don’t know about: Guillain- Barré Syndrome (GBS).
According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, “Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) is a rare disorder in which a person’s own immune system damages their nerve cells, causing muscle weakness and sometimes paralysis. GBS can cause symptoms that last for a few weeks. Most people recover fully from GBS, but some people have permanent nerve damage. In very rare cases, people have died of GBS, usually from difficulty breathing.”[1] The symptoms of this disorder are so similar to polio that some people suspect that Franklin Delano Roosevelt actually had GBS and not polio (check out for an article on this topic).
These symptoms are mentioned in the package insert of all currently available flu vaccines, and even manufacturers and government officials don’t deny the connection between the vaccine and GBS. According to an article in Health Impact News Daily, “if you go to an emergency room with sudden onset of GBS symptoms, the first question the doctors will ask you is: ‘Did you recently get the flu shot?’”[2] If you’d like to read the package inserts for any of this year’s flu vaccines, they’re available at the National Vaccine Information Center website (
So, how many patients contract GBS symptoms from the flu shot? While the actual number is hard to pinpoint, you can look at the settlements for GBS in the Vaccine Court, a program passed by Congress in 1986 that handles claims against vaccine manufacturers.[3] Even a quick glance of all vaccine-related cases in this court shows that the majority are for GBS and the flu vaccine. Though U.S. law does not allow you to sue the manufacturers of vaccines for damages or death, settlements from the Vaccine Court are funded via a tax on the sales of vaccines.
Attorney Howard Gold of Gold Law Firm, one of the many lawyers who have settled cases for GBS due to a flu vaccine (in 2011) stated:
“Petitioners have three (3) years from the onset of the injury (or two years from date of death) to file a claim. I receive at least 5 calls a month from individuals who cannot obtain compensation because the deadline has passed. They just found out about it too late. We all need to do a better job in getting the word out to the public...”[4]
Because the symptoms of GBS can present themselves from a few days to a month after receiving a flu shot, many people who have symptoms don’t necessarily connect them to the vaccine. This is one reason why it’s so very important for us to educate ourselves (and others) on the dangers of the flu vaccine. When government and medical systems don’t make the risks clear to us, it’s our responsibility to investigate for ourselves so that we don’t choose a vaccine that may ultimately make us sicker.

[1] Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) Questions & Answers.
[2] December 30, 2013. “Flu Shot Causes Polio-like Guillain-Barré Syndrome: Are Rates Higher than the Government Admits?”
[3] “Vaccine court” Wikipedia page.
[4] December 30, 2013. “Flu Shot Causes Polio-like Guillain-Barré Syndrome: Are Rates Higher than the Government Admits?”

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