
Types of Chiropractors

The leading causes of death today are heart disease, cancer, and medical doctor error. Each can cause significant irrevocable damage before discovered or felt. Because of this, it is important to inform yourself about your ailments and learn how chiropractic care can benefit you in a more natural way than traditional medicine. But it is also important to know how chiropractors differ before choosing the right one for you.

Symptom Relief Chiropractors

First, there are symptom relief chiropractors. They focus more on symptom relief than long-term skeletal correction and wellness. If you visit a symptom relief chiropractor, you will likely feel better temporarily, but these effects will ultimately wear off and result in damage and dysfunction. Though no one would argue that feeling an improvement in your condition is a bad thing, many medical experts agree that aiming only to treat symptoms once they occur is not nearly as valuable as treating the underlying causes of these symptoms. In fact, they even go so far as to say that this approach can harm patients in the long-run.

In his book, Health Revolution, Robert C. Atkins, M.D. states, “Orthodox medicine tends to treat the symptom, and once it has made the symptom go away, it tells the patient that his or her condition is cured or at least controlled. Actually, in most cases, the disease hasn’t been treated at all. Its symptoms have been masked or obliterated, but in due time the disease may well assert itself in another direction.”[1]

Traditional Chiropractors

Traditional chiropractors, on the other hand, are those who follow the traditional chiropractic philosophy of spinal subluxation and structural correction. As you read earlier, subluxations interfere with the nerve impulses that send signals from the brain to the rest of the body—so making sure that subluxations are corrected is understandably very important! But the potential problem with this form of correction is that it is often concentrated on individual segments of the spine, rather than the spine as a whole.

Living Well Family Chiropractors

The chiropractors at Living Well Family Chiropractic are different. We are what might be called spinal restoration chiropractors. We focus on improving our patients’ daily lives by helping with symptom and pain relief, but ultimately our goal is to remove subluxations and restructure the spine to create the most stable position for your body. We take the approach of traditional chiropractors and carry it a step further by focusing on global subluxations—deviations from the ideal structure of the spine. Any variation from this ideal position leads to premature spinal decay and dysfunction, so we do what we can to prevent these harmful effects before they begin.  This means that, if a patient comes in with a sore lower back, we explore the spine’s entire structure to determine how a subluxation in the neck might be affecting and even causing this pain.

We use Chiropractic BioPhysics (CBP), the technique that has been named in the most peer-reviewed journals and is one of the most scientifically validated techniques in our field.[2] The methods of CBP, including Mirror Image Adjustments, Mirror Image Exercises, and traction will significantly improve your overall wellness.

With a spinal restoration program, your symptoms may lessen or disappear completely long before your treatment comes to an end (and who doesn’t want that?). But at Living Well Family Chiropractic, even once your symptoms are gone, we will continue to rigorously correct and adjust your spine until it reaches its maximum corrected position in the shortest amount of time.

Working to Restore God’s Perfect Design in You!

[1] Atkins, R.C. (1990) Health Revolution.
[2] http://www.idealspine.com/cbp-research/

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