
What Do the Side Effects of Drugs Really Mean?

If you’ve ever taken a pill or other form of medicine, chances are that you’ve noticed the long list of potential side effects on the label. It’s time to start thinking about drugs in a new way: as substances that you body recognizes as poison.

Did you know that your liver produces more than 500 chemicals daily? These chemicals are in place to aid your digestion, act as hormones, clean your blood, and do 497 other important tasks in your body. Amazing, right? But the delicate balance that your liver and other organs create is thrown out of whack when you introduce toxic foreign chemicals, because every poison you put into your body must be processed by the liver.

If you’ve ever had a hangover, you know how horrible your body feels when you introduce alcohol, a poison, to it. The same effects can result from drugs, whether illicit or prescribed. When you take a drug, you are hoping for effects of some kind—you just want the good to outweigh the bad. Unfortunately, there are always bad effects.

All of your body’s systems are interconnected, so think of it this way: when you take a drug to target one area or problem, it’s like attempting to put one drop of food coloring into the corner of a glass of water and expecting it to stay there and not to spread.

God created our bodies with everything we need to function already included: painkillers, blood pressure and cholesterol regulators, healing agents, and more. It’s our job to take care of these processes by incorporating exercise, good nutrition, and a properly functioning nervous system into our lives. So, the next time you’re tempted to pop a pill to temporarily fix a health issue you’re experiencing, try alternative methods to boost your immune system, such as a chiropractic adjustment, proper nutrition, and rest—you just might be surprised by how effective they are!

Working to restore God’s perfect design in you!

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