
Anti-Vaccine Doctor Won’t Be Silenced

After the recent Disneyland measles outbreak, an Arizona cardiologist named Dr. Jack Wolfson voiced his concerns about the potential dangers of vaccines. Following his statements, 38 complaints were filed against Dr. Wolfson by the vaccine industry, not to mention the death threats and threats of violence he received.

It doesn’t take much to figure out that industry officials felt threatened by his honest declarations. As the Health Ranger Mike Adams put it, “The idea here is that if enough punishment and aggression is directed against some doctors who speak out on the issue of vaccine side effects, then all the other doctors who may be witnessing these damaging effects of vaccines will decide to stay silent.”[1]

Upon reviewing the complaints against Dr. Wolfson, the Arizona Osteopathic Medical Board decided that he was acceptably and legally expressing his free speech rights by speaking up against vaccines. He continues his practice and is trusted and respected by his patients—many of them new patients who came to him when they realized he’d tell the truth about issues that could impact their health.

The most fundamental rule that healthcare students are taught is, “First, do no harm.” It is a doctor’s job to consider the harm that any intervention—including vaccines—might cause their patients. While we all want to believe that medical professionals have our best interests at heart, they are human and can certainly be swayed into offering “treatments” or “cures” that actually do more harm than good. Because of this, it is also our responsibility to educate ourselves and remember not to blindly follow any medical advice. The more you know, the better medical decisions you can make for yourself and your family.

Working to Restore God’s Perfect Design in You!

[1] Adams M. “Anti-vaccine witch hunt FAIL: Dr. Jack Wolfson cleared of all charges for exercising his free speech rights on the issue of vaccine risks and the stupidity of blind medical obedience.” Natural News online, July 20, 2015.

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